Tea Time: Different Teas To Drink Throughout the Day
Tea Time: Drinking Different Teas Throughout the Day
In the time it takes to boil and steep a cup of tea we hope to help you work out which time of the day works best for what types of teas are out there. So, grab your kettle, boil that water, and let's get talking tea!
Breakfast tea is had by many in the morning. It's easy to be in a hurry and want to guzzle down your tea, but did you know that it's recommended to drink tea 20 minutes after eating your meal? The reason for that delay is that tea is also known for helping you with digestion after a meal
Those groggy morning hours can be tackled with the caffeine that tea provides, so even though you have to wait that extra little bit it's worth it to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Technically you can drink any tea at any time of the day, mind you if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then choosing the right teatime during your day is a must.
Oteas Breakfast Tea Suggestions:
Earl grey tea, this tea has a tiny caffeine kick without the dehydration.
English breakfast tea, this breakfast tea contains top quality whole leaves, smells delicious and it tastes is great too
Rejuvenate tea, this blend will refresh you in the mornings.
Afternoon Tea:
Afternoon Tea originated because a Duchess, Anna Maria Russell, got hungry between meals and wanted a snack. Those cute little three tiered china plate towers we picture when we hear afternoon tea, you know those ones that hold biscuits, finger sandwiches, scones and treats alongside a quaint china cup and matching tea pot, are generally served between 3 and 4 pm. Afternoon tea used to be referred to as low tea, simply because the seats in which folks sat were armchairs low to the ground. Now, we picture afternoon tea in fancy British movies or in North America it’s as basic as being at home with a cup of brewed tea in hand.
Some Oteas teas that would be great for the afternoon lull, (perhaps better named as teas for after work) are:
Oteas Strawberries and Cream, this blend is our take on the classic British combination, and it is delicious hot or cold.
Oteas Black Tea and Caramel, has a little caffeine kick with a hint of caramel.
Chocolate Chai, this mix has a hint of chocolate with spices and leaves a creamy aftertaste. It is caffeine free but can be considered a great afternoon tea choice.
High Tea:
High Tea is next on our list of tea times and is often mistaken to be the same as afternoon tea, however there is quite a difference. During afternoon tea you need to use all your manners whereas with high tea its more about getting that grub inside you.
High tea got its name because the seats that people sat in were higher up at a table.
High tea originated with citizens that were considered lower class since they generally did not get proper time for lunch breaks. Their teatime would be after work and included foods such as cold cut meats, different cheeses, hot dishes, and pies. Nowadays high tea is taken between 5 and 7pm, being more of a meal than a time to consume a hot beverage.
Evening teas, the modern version of high tea, are without caffeine and these can help relax you and allow for better sleep during the night. Having cups of caffeinated tea will most likely result in restless nights. Evening teas are generally taken towards the end of the day once your pj’s are on and you are sitting with a good book in hand or watching your favourite flick on tv, perhaps chatting with a loved one.
Oteas Nighttime Tea Suggestions:
Sleep Well Tea, this is a rooibos-based blend that will help lull you into a good night’s sleep.
Organic Nighttime Tea, this is also rooibos based, helping with the anti-aging process and this tea is loaded with antioxidants, zinc, and other nutrients.
Sereni-Tea, this tea has an emphasis on relaxation and sleep, blended with the thought of helping you unwind, relax, and get the proper rest your body needs.
Tranquility Tea, this nighttime tea blend is caffeine free and contains chamomile, lavender and rose petals. It can help you relax towards the end of your day and allow for a good night’s rest.
We’ve spoken about some tea times that will help keep you alert or help relax you and now let's take a minute to share the best time to drink Green Tea.
Green Tea is considered a top beverage to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It has many different health benefits, including but not limited to antioxidants that can help to improve the way your brain functions. Green tea can also aid with fat loss, and it can reduce the risks of cancer. So, we get it, green tea is great for you but when is the best time to drink green tea?
Contrary to caffeinated drinks, green tea has amino acids that may help calm you. Green tea carries caffeine and L-theanine (an amino acid), and these help keep you alert which is great for breakfast tea time.
Another benefit of drinking green tea is it can help burn fat and protect your muscles from getting damaged if consumed before exercising.
There are some aspects of green tea that do not allow for the body’s iron to be absorbed, making the best time to drink green tea in between eating your meals. Another note in some cases, is that green tea can cause sleepless nights if you have it before bed time.
Breakfast tea, high tea, and afternoon tea, any which way you brew it, tea can benefit your alertness or help you catch some zzz’s. It is up to you to which blend you fancy at what time of day, but we are happy to have a variety of teas to offer that can help you start and end your day.